Greg is back!

Remember when Yoda fought Count Dooku???? Jedi master walked into the room with a cane, walking like an old man…..
CrossFit A Game
August 4, 2022
Greg is back!

Remember when Yoda fought Count Dooku???? Jedi master walked into the room with a cane, walking like an old man…..

What did Yoda do next???? Yup, HE BROUGHT THE PAIN!!!!!! When the ass whooping ended he picked up his cane and hobbled out.

See the dude with the yellow belt?? Back in September he did his first competition in close to 30 years. Guess what he did…… BROUGHT THE PAIN AND WALKED AWAY WITH A MEDAL, tore through his bracket!!!

Was he sore? Yea (nothing a few Bud Lights couldn’t fix). Was his back a little sore?? Yea, wearing a big ass medal throws your back out of alignment!!!!

Greg bit the bullet and stepped back on the mat. He hasn’t regretted his decision.

#albundybjj #goeasyonthatshoulder #shouldhavelearnedgolf #oldmanjiujitsu #meatandpotatosbjj

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